Mumbai was not off my mind atleast for some time and the train journey was long and time consuming. I had boarded the train on an evening Day1 to reach Howrah on the morning of Day 3.
It was time to reflect and remember. After K Ravishankar left Mumbai office it was getting different. Sanjiv Sarin had taken over and I thought we got along well. A new Area Sales Manager joined in Worli office and I reckon the team was being enhanced. Nobody touched my office and I was quite happy with myself and my separate team.
The hierarchy in Mumbai office was also being enhanced and by the time I was counting my days in Mumbai they had inducted Rajeev Lal who was in charge of total sales. I had handed over to one Kumar who later on left and started his own office automation company (Jayanti Bus Machines).
As usual when hierarchy increases things become formal and Mumbai was no different. Sanjiv's secretary (I am not recollecting her name) was made in charge of hounding people on reports and stuff. Nariman Point was regular but sometimes logistics would create issues but I given the person I was, did not give a damn to her bossing around. Sashi an ASM in Worli used to get seriously affected by her antics!! There were newer people joining every day and later on when I communicated with Eunice and Rahil and Siddika and Jennifer and Mohan and Apoorva and so many more, things were not the same. They never are!!
Back in train while glimpses of history were floating by, I was also excited by the fact that I was about to get married, I was going home and I could meet my girl close distance rather than long!
My cousin had come to the station and finally I reached home and it just felt heavenly to get back to some Mom cooked food and my own surroundings that I was away from for about five years.
Network Kolkata was situated in one of the better buildings of Kolkata in Camac Street. The office was on two floors with the Sushil Joshi the RM and paternal figure occupying the 6th floor posh office while all the others were shoved into a big hall in the 10th floor. There were again three teams in Kolkata. The erstwhile LAM that was being headed by one DP Chowdhury with a Civil Engineering Architecture work background while the other two sales teams based on Geography were to be managed by Prithvish (ex Guwahati office) and myself. Prithvish was my roommates at the institute and I did not foresee any issues just like I did not have any with Rachna in Mumbai!!
The colourful lot of Kolkata office had disappeared by the time I came in. The service team was headed by one Asit Pal who had literally risen from the ranks, he earlier being an Petty Officer in the Indian Navy. The office was quite well knit and guys were cool to get along with.
There was a Regional Sales Manager named Sujoy Ghosh whose only agenda in life was good English, manners and etiquettes, women and porn movies!!! Sales was perhaps the last in his agenda. Whatever it was, we got along fine and it was a case of mutual non interference as far as our professional duties were concerned!!
Sushil Joshi had these preconceived and pre worked out rules on whom he liked or disliked. So it was a sort of whims and fancies organization where personal feelings overtook and influenced personal calls whenever they had to be taken. He was old fashioned in his own way, the Saturday Club of Calcutta culture and a lazy British life. He was from the Army all right but quite different from a lot I had seen! He had this fantastic sense of humour and everything he uttered in the office had to be double analysed for hidden meanings.
The first day in office where I was introduced to the team, he mentioned to the others that I would be shortly showing my Mumbai sparks and they better be careful. I did figure out that it was perhaps a dialogue to let "me" know that how careful I needed to be and not them.
Days passed and a month passed quickly and we got busy with our work lives. I had a team that had a gentleman named Raja Sen. One of the funniest guys you could along with he was a shirker of the first order. Fraud sales calls, fraud outstation tours, et al, it was a nightmare to manage him. He unfortunately became a mental case later and needed serious psychiatric help. Prithvish however had no love lost for him. After leaving Network they both had partnered a business that was quite a heartburn for Prithvish!!
Kolkata market was a different ball game altogether. Decisions were slower, people did not want to part with money, and a lot of times the so called sales pitches on image and print quality did not work, especially with SME clients. For the marwaris it was absolutely different and they were tough price negotiators.
The Government sector was corrupt and and so was the Armed Forces. So much later when Amit Raha of the Lam team was trying to sell machines to Fort William with a "deal", my father-in-law asked me name of the pesrons. Needless to say, I denied him the benefit. He was part of Bengal Area too.
The typewriter sales were going though a churn along with Network too. Network had invested a lot in these machines for printers named Letracomp that really bombed in the market. Keeping separate Lam teams were not worth its while and they were disintegrating too. The market was getting extremely price sensitive as machines were now flowing down the value chain. The higher value machines were being sold only to high worth customers.
These happened later. But before that in Feb I was to be get married. My marriage was held at Fort William Service Officers Club and it was quite grand though I landed up with a major headache. My leave was approved but as it happened the office called me later to validate whether I was joining back on time. They perhaps had no idea of the loyalty that some of us had developed and how such questions could just uproot the concepts instilled. But that was Kolkata office and its management!! This was perhaps also a start of personal conflicts that I had with Network.
I enjoyed my stint in Kolkata in spite of SJ's deep down intolerance where finally he wanted to give full control to his protégé. Sujoy left the organization and we were going through a churn. The team, at our levels was still closely knit and we did go out for Weekend outings, etc. We got invited to each other's houses and there were a number of marriages too Kaushik, Prithvish, Pradipto - they all got married.
The think tanks tanks in Network Delhi were obviously concerned about the market conditions that I talked about earlier. Cost reduction in all counts had become imminent and therefore Utpal Bharali and team at Network R&D needed to churn out something new. We already had bilingual machines. Now the question was to penetrate the market and also kill competition and basically add on to the revenue and profit totals.
As one would have it a Sales Conference was announced and we knew that something exciting would be coming our way, given the history of the past conferences. The conference venue was unannounced. Locally we found that machine supplies were dwindling and customer orders were not getting delivered. Managers were called to Delhi for special meetings on Collections since traditionally Network was weak in collections. For such situations the culprits were mainly the LAM team and there was a lot to be cleaned up in the later years.
In November 1988, the conference was announced. Srinagar was the venue. While new machines were surely destined to come, there were rumors about changes in Kolkata office too. For better or for worse only time would tell.
In my team in Kolkata I had this girl named Sharnistha. She was a tomboy in her own way always in trousers and shirts and driving a bike on the streets of Kolkata. Once when we visited Gangtok, Sikkim we reached the hotel and she walked up to the reception and asked for "a" room. I had to intervene for two rooms and she would understand why!! Whoof!!
There were many other interesting characters. One of the Service Engineers I was impressed with was William Wu. He was the highest AMC earner and the best CE in town. There were a few ex-Airforce guys who used to patiently wait for the monthly salary and had no motivation to gear up!! Asit Pal I guess had a tough time managing the show.
November 88 just passed handling customer complaints on deliveries and then it was again time to board the train. This time we were booked in the Rajdhani Express in Spondylosis Compartment(Chair Cars). There were people from our Guwahati office to Jayanta and others. One of them had a roaring affair with one of the Kolkata girls. We will talk about that in the next episode. Srinagar!! Here we come!!